Lease Agreement

OWNER: Quartz Tubes LLC


Item Costs Duration
Chamption 4000 UV Water Purifier $275/mo 24 months
Total cost paid over 18 months $4,950 Lifetime cost

Rental Rate:

$275 for rental period of 18 months. Starting on 10/22/2024 and ending on 10/22/2026. Payments are due on 1st of the month following the signed date of this agreement and will be charged to the credit card on file. After 24 consecutive payments are received the equipment is the property of the renter. At that time there are no longer payments due from either party. During the 24 months the RENTER has the right to return the equipment with no further payments due with no lease breaking penalties or fees.


1. The RENTER shall keep and maintain the rented equipment during the terms of the rental at their own cost and expense. Renter shall keep the equipment in a good state of repair, normal wear and tear excepted.

2. The RENTER shall pay the OWNER full compensation for replacement for replacement and/or repair of any equipment which is not returned because it is lost or stolen or any equipment which is damaged and in need of repair to put it into the same condition it was in at the time of rental, normal wear and tear excepted. The OWNER’s invoice for replacement or repair is conclusive as to the amount RENTER shall pay under this paragraph for repair or replacement.

3. No allowance will be made for any rented equipment or portion thereof which is claimed not to have been used. Acceptance of returned equipment by OWNER does not constitute a waiver of any of the rights OWNER has under the rental agreement.

4. The RENTER shall not pledge or encumber the rented equipment in any way. The OWNER may terminate this agreement immediately upon the failure of RENTER to make rental payments when due, or upon RENTER’s filling for protection from creditors in any court of competent jurisdiction.

5. The OWNER makes no warranty of any kind regarding the rented equipment, except that OWNER shall replace the equipment with identical or similar equipment if the equipment fails. Such replacement shall be made as soon as the RENTER returns the non-conforming equipment.

6. RENTER indemnifies and holds OWNER harmless for all injuries or damages that rental equipment may or does cause. The responsibility fully lies with the RENTER.

7. The RENTER shall pay all attorney and other fees, the expenses and costs incurred by OWNER in protection its rights under this rental agreement and for any action taken OWNER to collect any amounts due the OWNER under this rental agreement.

8. These terms are accepted by the RENTER upon delivery of the terms to the RENTER or the agent or another representative of RENTER.

9. The Champion 4000 and all ozone equipment is designed for scientific or research use. No claims are being made. Leaser and purchasers are responsible for any and all uses of the product. Caution should be taken as ozone can an irritant to the lungs and viewing UV light can cause eye damage.
